Are you scared of technology? 5 tips to survive in the 21st century

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Technology can sometimes be hard to understand. Each day, we learn about a new device, application or computer program. We are often told that we need to get these things. If you are the kind of person who prefers using a typewriter instead of a computer, keep reading.

Why is it important to get over your fear?

Digital technology is now a big part of our lives. We use it not only for work, but also in our daily activities. We use a computer to do things like banking, shopping, talking to others, paying our taxes, and getting help from the government. Technology also helps us do our jobs, learn about the world, get new skills, and make friends. It’s hard to live without technology these days.

Here’s a simple fact: We often get scared of things we don’t know. To use digital technology in a better way, we need to learn more about it. We need to find out what’s good and what’s not. It’s important to remember that technology is just a tool. How useful or good it is depends on how we use it.

5 tips on handling technology

  1. Be open to new things

    Many people who are scared of technology don’t like to use certain devices or programs. They have ideas in their heads that stop them. They might say things like: “It’s too hard for me,” “I’m not good with technology” or “I’m old, it’s not for me.” Some people think that doing things online is not personal. They think this even if they have never tried it. By only thinking about the bad things, they don’t see the good things. Being open means to look at technology with interest and fairness. Don’t say it’s bad until you try it! Learn about what it can do and how it can help you. You might find out that it’s helpful for you. If it’s not, then at least you learned something new. Now you have a good reason to say no to it.

  2. Ask when you don’t understand

    It can feel bad to ask questions. This is especially true when it’s about something that seems easy to most people (especially young people). But ask anyway. It’s much worse to not know. If you don’t want to ask your friends or people you work with, ask Google instead. You can also look at a guide, a book, look for “help” or read FAQs on a website menu.

  3. Just try it!

    Seeing many choices, features and buttons on a new device or program can be scary. Don’t worry. The best thing to do is to start small. Think of an easy task that you can do. Follow the steps to do it from a guide or tutorial. Don’t be scared of making mistakes. Just keep trying. Most programs are made to be easy to use and friendly for the user. There is a way to do tasks and you will find this out with more use. Of course, you can always join a class (either in person or online) if you need more help.

  4. Learn by yourself

    I was watching my nephew play Minecraft the other day. I was surprised not only by how he knew how to play the game, but also by how he used many tricks and shortcuts. When I asked him how he learned these tricks, he told me that he watches YouTube tutorials and follows online gamers’ channels. He also joined an online group of Minecraft fans. In this group, he asks questions and shares what he knows to help everyone get better at the game. Today’s learners don’t only use traditional sources of information. They use online resources and learning communities like social media/special interest groups, blogs, MOOCs (big open online courses), personal learning networks (PLN), and others. They look for information actively and share what they know. Nowadays, there is nothing you can’t do by yourself as long as you’re interested and willing to learn.

  5. Use technology often

    Your confidence and digital skills grow as you use technology. Practicing with your hands gives you touch and sight clues that help you become comfortable with exploring features. Using them becomes normal to you with more use. Give yourself time and you will be as good with technology as any techy you know.


Sources: 8 ways to overcome your technology fears so you can work remotely, Rachael Pasini, Virtual Vocations; Overcome your fear of technology and upgrades, Mark Schwartz, Monster; and Technophobia is a fear related to the loss of control, Lisa Fritscher, verywellmind. Accessed December 6, 2019.

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