What to do in a health emergency

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One of the worst things that could happen is a life-threatening health scare. Being new to the country, you may not know where to get help.

The first thing to remember is not to panic. You must act quickly, but calmly in an emergency. Preparation is the key in situations like these. The following guide will help you prepare for a health emergency:

First off, the following are examples of medical emergencies:

  • Heart attack
  • Major trauma
  • Severe head injury
  • Amputation
  • Severe difficulty in breathing (due to an allergic reaction or other cause)
  • Unconsciousness
  • Severe bleeding

The following are urgent health conditions:

  • Head injury but still awake
  • Deep cut
  • Foreign object in eyes, ears
  • High fever in an infant or toddler
  • Chest pain not related to a known heart problem
  • Signs of serious infection

If you are sure that it is an emergency case, follow these steps:

  1. Call 9-1-1. If your community does not have this service, check the front page of your phone directory for emergency numbers. If you can transport the patient (first, make sure that it is appropriate to do so), bring them to the nearest hospital or health center. Most have emergency departments that are open 24/7.
  2. Identify yourself. Provide your name and exact address to the 9-1-1 dispatcher. If you are calling from a landline, they can see your address but will still ask to verify. If you live in an apartment building, be sure to provide your specific apartment letter and/or number so that they can locate you quickly.
  3. Give the specifics of the situation. Be as detailed as possible. If you cannot speak in English, ask for interpreter services. This video from CBC talks about interpreter services for 9-1-1 available in most Canadian provinces: 911 interpreters. Persons with hearing loss or speech difficulties may text 9-1-1 (you need to register for this service and have an active text messaging plan), and the emergency dispatcher will communicate with you using text messaging.
  4. Follow the dispatcher’s instructions. Do not hang up the phone until you are directed to do so.
  5. After calling, wait until help arrives. Stay calm. Keep the patient comfortable but do not move them especially if you suspect that there is a bone or neck injury.

If you are not sure that it is an emergency case

Call Health Links-Info Sante at 204-788-8200 in Winnipeg or toll-free 1-888-315-9257. A registered nurse will help you decide. This line also has a prompt for language translation if you cannot speak English. Calling this number may be better than going straight to 9-1-1 (unless if you are 100% sure that it is an urgent medical situation) because it can prevent you from incurring an unnecessary expense.

The use of an ambulance is not free. It costs around $250 (see the current rates here). This may be too much to pay if your medical situation is not urgent.

For less urgent medical care

For possible fracture/sprain, back pain, stomach pain, skin/wound infection, mild or chronic headaches (migraines), minor cuts or burns, colds, sore throat or sinus problems, contact your family doctor, local health clinic or Walk-In Clinics (QuickCare clinics in Steinback and Selkirk).

Most hospitals in Manitoba, like St. Boniface Hospital, have free interpreter services if you feel that you cannot express yourself completely in English or French. If you need help preparing for a medical appointment, visit your nearest immigrant-serving organization or Neighbourhood Immigrant Settlement worker.

Go to the Health Services Directory for a summary of your options in Manitoba.

How to make an emergency plan:

It would be a good idea to have an emergency plan in place for your family, especially if there are members that are susceptible to seizures, heart attacks and other health issues. Here are some suggested steps for emergency preparedness:

  1. Teach your children how to dial 9-1-1, but make it clear that it is only for emergency use.
  2. Write down emergency numbers and post it where it can be easily seen (preferably near the phone or on the door of your fridge). Also write down your complete address on this list, it will come in handy should you need to call 9-1-1.
  3. Get an E.R.I.K. and post it on your fridge door.
  4. Manitoba has a Health Services Directory for various health services.
  5. For tips on making a complete emergency plan for all types of contingencies, go to Canada.ca’s Get Prepared site for its emergency preparedness guide. You can also download Your Emergency Preparedness Guide in various formats. The following video will give you an idea about preparing emergency kits for all types of emergencies (Preparing a family emergency kit in plain English from DOJ Nova Scotia):
  6. Consider getting trained in emergency first aid and CPR. Inquire from Winnipeg First Aid, and the Canadian Red Cross.

Article updated on 02/2023.

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Community Resources

Stay up-to-date about health issues and changes in our health care system. Go to Manitoba Health, Seniors and Active Living and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority.

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