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If you’re a newcomer who needs English language training but can’t go due to distance, domestic responsibilities or lack of time, consider LINC Home Study.
What is LINC Home Study?
Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada Home Study (LINC HS) is an English Language training program for newcomers to Canada who can’t attend in-person classes.
It is done through distance education. Students can choose online instruction (computer with internet access) or by correspondence (books and CDs). It is funded by Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) and free to eligible newcomers.
Students receive a LINC certificate after each language level accomplished. This can be used as proof of language proficiency to apply for citizenship, qualify for college/university, or other academic and professional programs.
Who can apply?
You can apply if you:
- Are a permanent resident of Canada or Convention refugee
- Are a resident of Canada
- Are 18 years of age or older
- Have a minimum Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) score of 3 for listening and speaking and 2 for reading and writing
- Are unable to attend LINC classes in person
You cannot attend LINC Home Study if you are already attending another government-funded ESL program like ESL, LINC, ELT, OSLT, Citizenship, and others.
Why choose LINC Home Study?
Aside from the convenience and flexibility of being able to study on your own time and at home, you should choose LINC HS because:
- It is effective – According to LINC Home Study Canada, 99% of participants say that the program is helping them reach their language goals. With regular attendance, study and practice, learners are expected to progress to the next LINC level in at least one skill area (listening, speaking reading, writing) within six months.
- It is taught by TESL-accredited teachers – LINC HS instructors are Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL)-certified. They are experts at teaching English specifically to newcomers to Canada. They know your needs and ensure a safe, inclusive and supportive atmosphere for learning.
- It is value-added – When you enroll with English Online, you can also attend other online classes that can supplement your language studies. You’ll be able to practice your conversational skills in Virtual Coffee Chats and learn practical information that can help you settle successfully in Manitoba.
- It’s free!
What do you need to get the most out of LINC Home Study?
You will need:
- A telephone (for weekly calls to your teacher)
- Computer with high-speed internet (if you are choosing online instruction)
- CD player or internet connection (if you choose to learn by correspondence)
Most importantly, you will need discipline and commitment to get the most out of the program. You should be able to commit five to seven hours to study on your own every week and practice English often. Learners should also attend regularly and submit homework assignments on time.
Read the complete Student Code of Conduct to know what’s expected of LINC HS students.
How to apply to LINC Home Study
The first step is to go to a Language Assessment Centre. They will test your English language skills, confirm your eligibility, and provide a referral to LINC Home Study. These assessment and referral services are also free. If you’re in Winnipeg, you can go to WELARC downtown or to these centres in Manitoba:
Once you get a referral, go to this link to register to LINC Home Study at English Online.
Sources: LINC Home Study Canada , and Centre for Education and Training. Accessed October 13, 2020.
Community Resources
If you can attend in-person LINC classes, check out many settlement-provider organizations that offer it for free in Manitoba. Go to this page: LINC/CLIC classes
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