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You are reading the Original Version (CLB5+) Read Simple Version (CLB3-4) Developing good conversational skills is important for newcomers. These skills are essential for building connections, making new friends, and becoming part of the community. Those who are learning English may be worried about what to say during conversations. This can prevent them from trying. It’s important to know that making good conversation has less to do about what we say and more about how we listen. In this TED Talk, award-winning journalist and radio program host Celeste Headlee, shares 10 practical tips for better conversations. Foremost among these is “Listen to people, keep your mind open, and be prepared to be amazed!” Starting a conversation in friendly Manitoba is easy. People talk to newcomers. They like making newcomers feel welcome. Here are additional points to help you: Always greet people with a good morning/hello/hi and follow it up with “how are you?” This is the normal way to start a conversation. Always answer back with “good, thanks” (or a variation) when you are asked the question “how are you?” Do your best to talk about positive things. Don’t start a conversation by complaining about the weather, the traffic, or another person. This is not polite. Nobody wants to talk to a grumpy person. People like to ask newcomers questions like “How do you like Manitoba/Canada so far?” You don’t have to say “I love it here!” when you don’t (but do say it if you do!). Don’t offend people by pointing out every little thing that you don’t like. Be tactful by saying something like “I’m still getting used to the cold climate but I admire how warm the people are. I can’t wait for spring to see the beautiful and fresh scenery”. Then ask them in turn what they love about Manitoba or Canada. You’ll learn more that way. In the video, Celeste says that you don’t have to act interested when you are interested. However, there are also cultural elements involved in body language. Maintaining eye contact and nodding your head at certain points of the conversation are common ways to show that you are listening. Keep a comfortable distance between yourself and the speaker (about an arm’s length) so you don’t invade personal space. Don’t yawn while in a conversation even if it’s not intentional. It will look like you’re bored. It’s not polite. Conversational skills do not come automatically. They have to be developed. Keep working at it by improving your English skills, talking to others often, staying open, and most of all, listening and being genuinely interested in the people around you. Please login to tell us what you think.Skip to:
10 ways to have better conversations
10 lessons from the TED Talk:
Connecting in Manitoba
Be polite and gracious
Have a good answer to usual questions
Body language
Article updated July 18, 2023.We'd love to hear from you!