Many families move to a new country for their children. Parents want them to have better opportunities for a good future. But children are faced with many challenges when they move. Older kids especially must adapt quickly to their new environment. Sometimes, this is not easy.
Issues for newcomer youth:
language difficulties
additional stress because they sense their parents’ stress
change in learning styles
loss of identity
parental pressure to excel and meet expectations
In the following video, young immigrants talk about their experience. They discuss problems of moving to a new school in a new country. They also share tips to cope with these challenges:
New Moves (produced by Frameland Productions, funded by CIC Canada)
(You can also watch this video in many other languages at )
What you can do
You can support your kids in five ways:
Always talk to your kids. Ask how their day went.
Share your own stories about adjusting. It will encourage them to tell their own stories.
Stay upbeat. Do not judge them when they share problems.
Assure them that they are not alone. They just want someone to listen to them.
Get involved
Go with your child to on their first day of school. Talk to their adviser or guidance counsellor. Learn about the curriculum together. Ask about school rules, activities and teachers’ expectations.
Ask about special classes that your child may need. For example, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, French, mentorship or sports programs.
Attend PTA (Parent Teacher Association) meetings. Learn about your child’s progress.
Volunteer at school events when you have extra time.
Talk to other parents.
Watch for changes in behavior, moods, and eating habits. Did your child become quiet and reserved? If he was cheerful and sociable before you moved, he can be stressed or depressed.
Talk to your child. Be patient with him.
Seek professional help if you think it is serious. Go to to get the right service.