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Gender diversity and gender sensitivity often deal with various issues that ensure that women, men, and non-binary gender categories (gender categories that do not fit the male and female binary) have equal standing both in private and public life. We want to allow everyone to have equal opportunities, contribute fully to society, and generally live happy and progressive lives.
There are several ways by which newcomers can contribute to the promotion of gender sensitivity:
Learn more about gender issues
“Much discrimination is rooted in ignorance and education is essential to its eradication…” (Manitoba Human Rights Code preamble).
Making an effort to know about gender identity, gender equality/equity, sexual orientation, or LGBTQ+ rights is the first step towards gaining some understanding. Education counteracts false beliefs and actions that can be hurtful or harmful to others.
Your local library is a great source of information on these topics. Meanwhile, organizations in Manitoba like SERC (Sexuality Education Resource Centre MB) or Rainbow Resource Centre have online resources, events (seminars and trainings) and other activities that can help you become more informed (for sample materials, see Community Resources below). You can also check out Manitoba Education’s list of LGBTQ Resources for more sources of information.
Keep an open mind
This means suspending your judgement as you learn and understand more about such issues. Open-minded people look at information not only through the lens of their own experience, beliefs or principles; they put themselves in other people’s shoes to understand what they may be experiencing or feeling. In this way, they develop empathy and greater respect for others who may be going through a harder journey than they are.
Know the law
Human Rights law protects people against gender discrimination. In Manitoba, the Manitoba Human Rights Commission is responsible for administering the Human Rights Code. The Code prohibits discrimination or harassment based on a person’s gender or actual or perceived gender identity. It also outlines how employers and service providers may provide a reasonable accommodation that does not cause undue hardship. Know more about human rights protections by reading Discrimination based on gender identity and The Human Rights Code.
Stand up against harassment of any kind
Do not tolerate any discrimination or harassment by speaking out when you see it happen. It is never okay to hurt or belittle anyone for any reason. A big part of being an ally is speaking out for those who might not be able to stand up for themselves. Be inclusive and try to be a friend to everyone.
Be respectful
The best way to show sensitivity is to start from a genuine place of kindness and respect. After all, we are all humans regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation. Make it your policy to use respectful communication at all times. Contribute towards building a gender-inclusive environment so that everyone can live and work in peace and to the best of their abilities.
Article updated June 1, 2022.
With thanks to Muhammad Ahsan, Education Program Coordinator of Rainbow Resource Centre, for reviewing the article and providing a list of definitions of LGBTQ2SQ+ terminology. Thanks too to Mike Tutthill, Executive Director of Rainbow Resource, for his assistance.
Some terms you may want to know:
Please note that English is a fluid language in which terms, definitions and meanings change over time, culture, political climate, and geography. The following serve as working definitions that provide an initial foundation of understanding.
Homophobia/Biphobia/Lesbophobia/Transphobia – The negative attitudes and behaviour against or cultural and social aversions toward individuals who identify or are perceived as being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, Two-Spirit, or queer. Harassment, bullying, violence, discrimination, isolation are some forms of such phobias.
Heterosexism – A bias towards, and assumption of, heterosexuality. Heterosexism is also the belief in the superiority of heterosexuality. Those that do not live or subscribe to this “norm” are viewed as deviant, radicals and threats to the very fabric of a community or society.
Ally – A person who supports the civil and human rights and gender equality and equity of sexual and gender minorities. Allies proactively challenge homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, heterosexism and other forms of systemic and individual oppression.
Definitions from Rainbow Resource Centre.
Community Resources
Find more resources on the Rainbow Resource Centre site.
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