These help topics are referring to the Learning Platform, (this site). For help topics about the Registration System go to Help: Registration System.
Help Topics
- Receiving Welcome/Login Emails
- How to start learning at EO
- Lost your username or password?
- Translations
- Navigating the Site
- Logging In
- Your Learning Profile
- Changing Your Password
- Support
Receiving Welcome/Login Emails
If you have completed the online registration, you can expect two registration information emails in 3-5 days. The first email will have the subject line “EnglishOnline_Your Registration Information“, and contains login information for the registration system ( The second email will have the subject line “Live & Learn Login Info” and contains login info for the learning platform (this website). To prevent these emails from going to your spam folder, you can add this email to your contacts list:
The login info is separate for the registration system and the learning platform, so changing your email or password in the learning platform (this website) will only affect this platform. If you also want to change your email or password in the registration system you must edit your profile there as well by logging in at
Not Receiving Login Email?
Please check the following:
- Did you complete all the registration steps found here:
- Did you add to your email contacts?
- Did you search your emails, including your spam folder for this subject line: Live & Learn Login Info ?
If you answered yes to all of the above but haven’t received the second registration email, you can try the following:
- Click the “Lost Password” link on the login form and follow instructions, using the email address you used to register with English Online.
- If you get a message that a password reset link has been emailed to you, then you can move on to step 2.
- If you get this message: “ERROR: There is no user registered with that email address” then you are not yet in our system. Remember that it will take 3-5 days after you complete your registration for you to get your login info.
- Wait for the password reset email to arrive – it could take a few minutes – do not click Lost Password again while waiting.
- Click or copy and paste the new link and create a password of your choice.
*If you are using Hotmail and are having problems, try using Gmail instead. Please notify us of the new email address.
Password Setup Link
Click on the link in the email to create your own password. If the url provided doesn’t open properly, you can copy and paste it into your browser. If you get a notification that this link is invalid, just enter your email address in the field provided to have a new link sent. You can also follow the instructions below on resetting your password, and you will be emailed a new link.
Lost your username or password?
- If you forget your username or password, click “Lost your password?” on the login form, below the white box on the login screen.
- On the next screen, enter the email address you used to register with us or your username, and you will be sent an email with a reset link. The email may take a few minutes to arrive.
- When you receive the email, it will display your username. Click the link at the bottom. You will be taken to a password reset page.
- In the reset page, enter your chosen password and click the “Reset Password” button.
Click an image to enlarge.
For site translations on any page, scroll down to the footer and select a language using the Google translate button, or the Bing translate button (recommended for Internet Explorer).
Back to top
Navigating the Site
To view the site navigation, click one of the buttons in the top right-hand side of your screen. They will each open a sub-menu. You can then select an item from the sub-menu or close the menu with the X on the bottom right.
Logging In
You can login to the site on the form on the homepage, or from any page using the “Login” button in the upper header.
After clicking “Log in” you will be redirected back to the page you came from. If you forget you password, click “Lost your password?” and you will be sent an email with a reset link. Have patience—the email may take a few minutes to arrive.
Your Learning Profile
To access your learning profile, where you can see your progress in learning activities, click your name in the upper header, then click “My Activities”.
Click the arrow on the left side of each activity to view your progress in it, or click “Expand All” to see your progress in all your activities. When you complete an activity, the checkbox under “Status” will become green.
Changing Your Password or Other Profile Details
To change your password, email address or name, or to add more details about yourself, click “Edit profile” under your name in the upper header. Edit your details.
For password changes, scroll down, until you see the “Account” heading. Enter your chosen password in both password fields. Please respond to the strength indicator, and choose a password that at least measures as “Medium”.
To save, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click “Update Profile”.
This is for the Live & Learn website ONLY, and won’t change your English Online’s registration details. To change your contact info with English Online, please log in at, or see Help: Registration System.
For questions about registration, or general inquiries, email
For technical problems, email