LINC Home Study
LINC Home Study (LHS) is a language training program available to ESL learners who cannot attend a face-to-face class in Manitoba.
Once registered, you will be matched with an eFacilitator, who will monitor and assess your progress. You will be expected to use both the LHS and EO platforms to practise your language skills. You will receive a CLB certificate.
Listen to one of your colleagues talk about why she likes LINC Home Study.
e-Volunteer Program
You will be matched one-on-one with a Canadian Volunteer to help you practice your English language skills, settle and integrate into the community and grow your social and professional networks.
Through this program you can receive support to address your language needs, gain knowledge of life in Canada and awareness of community resources available, receive appropriate information related to the local labour market and make connections with established Canadians.
Depending on your current needs you will be matched with an EAL e-Tutor, or a Settlement e-Coach.
EAL e-Tutors
EAL e-Tutors (qualified language instructors) will help you improve your English skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking.
Learners will:
- discuss what they want to learn and practise
- set goals for their sessions and work towards them
- discuss and agree on session schedule
- actively participate in the sessions
- follow e-Tutor’s suggestions and recommendations
Volunteer e-Tutors will:
- prepare tasks and activities for each session according to their learner’s needs
- base these activities on topics their learner is interested in
- share useful learning resources and/or tools
- share their knowledge of Canadian culture and life in Manitoba
- give recommendations on further improvement
- make the online sessions productive and fun!
Settlement e-Coaches
Settlement e-Coaches (friendly Manitobans) provide hands-on assistance and practical information to recently landed immigrants. You will learn about services available for newcomers and discuss numerous aspects of daily life in Manitoba.
You did a tremendous job immigrating to Canada, we want to help you make this move as smooth as possible. The first year is fun, get prepared for it … from the comfort of your home!
Newcomers will:
- discuss what they want to learn about Manitoba
- set goals for their sessions and work towards them
- discuss and agree on session schedule
- actively participate in the sessions
Settlement e- Coaches will:
- prepare materials for each session according to their client’s needs
- share their knowledge of life in Canada
- answer newcomer’s questions about various services available in Manitoba
- share links to useful resources and/or tools
- make the online sessions productive and fun!

Activities Index
For a full list of all learning options and activity titles, see our Activities Index page.