Learning idioms

Step 1

Study the power point to get to know this week’s idioms.

Step 2

Listen to the dialogue for better understanding and pronunciation.


Step 3

Read the following dialogue to see the idioms in context:

Albert:I am so stressed about the exams now…
Jennifer:Me too, with all these definitions we have to learn by heart! Well, I still hope to find some time to hit the books this weekend.
Albert:Last semester, I didn’t allow myself enough time to study Sociology and I failed my test. I learned the hard way that I need to prepare in advance.
Jennifer:You know, I often find that if I study with a partner and discuss what I’ve learned, it sticks in my mind better. Why don’t we get together for some study time on Saturday?
Albert:What an excellent idea! I just have to make sure I put my thinking cap on that day!
Jennifer:And don’t forget to bring your tablet so that you can save your notes and review them on the go.
Albert:Perfect! Where did you get so smart?
Jennifer:I studied at the university of life.
Albert:Oh, that’s right.


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Learning idioms

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