WorkCom_Before you begin


Thinking about your knowledge and skills is an independent learning strategy. When you think about what you can do and what you know, you become more aware of yourself. This helps you to focus your future learning on the skills that you are unsure of or maybe don’t have yet. It is a time well spent! 

How to do the self-assessment quiz

We recommend that you complete the quiz BEFORE you start this course. It will help you set goals and expectations for the weeks ahead, as the quiz contains competencies that are covered by the lessons and activities prepared for you in this course. As you are answering the questions, think of what you already know and what you want to learn and/or practise. When you finish the quiz, mark it complete and move on to Week 1.

Test Your Learning

WorkCom_Self-Assessment Quiz_Before

To "Mark Complete" you must login and complete all the lesson topics.


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