Book idioms

Step 1

Books are considered as man’s best friend. This week we will learn few idioms related to books. Check out the Powerpoint presentation below:

Step 2

Read the dialogue to understand the correct usage of the idioms.

TaniaThe weather is so beautiful and you are sitting in the office. Let’s go out for lunch.
SamiIt’s audit time and I am trying to balance the books. Sorry, I won’t be able to go out now.
TaniaCome on! This work will take a long time.
SamiI know it will, but it’s required to be in David’s good books.
TaniaYou mean our new manager? He seems to be a very calm and an easy going person.
SamiDon’t judge the book by its cover. He has issued two warnings to Maria since he has joined.
TaniaBut don’t you know that Maria was trying to cook the books and he found out?
SamiReally! I didn’t know that. Then he should have fired her immediately.
TaniaMaria knows every trick in the book. She arranged a separate meeting with him and put all the blame on the previous manager.
SamiHow do you know all this?
TaniaI  have my sources!
Sami and Tania Hahaha!

Step 3

Listen to the dialogue for correct pronunciation and usage of the above idioms.


Step 4

Quiz time! Click to flip in the bottom right corner to see a definition. Click the next arrow to go to the next expression. Click choose a study mode to select a different type of quiz for this vocabulary set.
Remember! Practice makes perfect.


Book idioms

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