Number idioms

Step 1

Study the Powerpoint presentation below. Do you recognize any of the idioms?

Step 2

Read the dialogue to understand the correct usage of the idioms.

BlaineAre you ready for the dance party?  We’re running late.
DorianYes. I am almost ready. Look at my new dress. How do I look?
 BlaineWow! You are dressed to the nines. You look gorgeous!  When I first saw you at the grad dinner, I was stunned by your beauty and after so many years of marriage, you still look so beautiful.
DorianReally! I am on cloud nine.
BlaineYou are my one and only friend, a sincere partner and confidant.
DorianWait, let me put two and two together. I know why you are praising me so much tonight. You need a favour, right?
BlaineGood guess! Sweetheart. We need to pick up Chris and his wife because their car broke down.
DorianOk. That’s the reason. But why haven’t you changed yet?
BlaineI will just have forty winks because I had a very tiring day.
DorianCome on. If you have to pick up Chris too we should be leaving right away. Don’t worry I will drive.
BlaineThat sounds great. I will be ready in no time.

Step 3

Listen to the dialogue for correct pronunciation and usage of the above idioms.


Step 4

Quiz time! Click to flip in the bottom right corner to see a definition. Click the next arrow to go to the next expression. Click choose a study mode to select a different type of quiz for this vocabulary set.

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