Why is it important to look back into history to define what we are now? It is so mainly because country’s past teaches valuable lessons to the present. The course of country’s history shapes cultural beliefs and values, identity and mentality of the people who live in it.
You are now part of Canada. You are contributing to writing a continuing story of this country. Want to better understand Canadian values? Dig into Canada’s history lessons!
Read all or any of the articles about Canada and its history listed down below.
Before reading
Look at the title of the article. What do you already know about this topic? Can you predict what this article will be about?
While reading
Use an online dictionary to study or clarify the meaning of new words. Create a word bank of 5-10 words from each article. Include their meaning, pronunciation, sample sentences and any notes you might have about these words.
After reading
Were you able to predict what the article was about? What was new to you? What information did you already know?
Useful Links
Within this site…
- 11 basic facts about Canada
- Canada’s five regions
- Canada’s immigration history
- 5 amazing facts about the creation of the National Flag of Canada