In Week 3 we’d like you to refresh or learn the camping vocabulary. There are many ways you can go about it, see below for suggestions and resources. Even if you don’t think you’ll ever go camping, it’s good to know the basic vocabulary because you never know when yo might need it. What’s more, fluency in English means you’re able to speak about almost anything. So, this week enjoy exploring the world of the camping vocabulary.
Step 1
Go to and search for camping photos. What do you need to have with you when you go camping? Make a list of items. Feel free to ask someone you know have gone camping.
Step 2
These are excellent speaking practice ideas.
- Go to Canadian Tire or Cabelas, talk to a customer service rep and ask about your list. Ask what you would need to go camping. Don’t be shy, it’s their job to answer questions. You => be ‘selfish’ and focus on practising English:) When they mention items, repeat the words to make sure you can say them correctly, and smile. Ask why you need those items. At the end of the conversation, say you will need time to think about it and thank them for their time :)
- Alternatively, visit the website of Canadian Tire or Cabelas and search for camping items. Then look them up in a dictionary to learn their pronunciation. Practise with your Volunteer e-Tutor or an e-Facilitator.
- Skype a study partner and discuss your lists. Explain why you think you need the things that are not on your partner’s list.
Step 3
- Think about Canadian animals you might encounter while camping outdoors. Here are some animals native to Manitoba.

Nickel image by ahmad bakri CC-BY-SA
By the way, what is the animal on a Canadian nickel (5 cents coin)?
Additional vocabulary resources
- a fantastic English-French Parks Canada vocabulary list
- camping vocabulary interactive exercises: match up, fill in, dictation
- camping vocabulary image search on Google
- some interesting animal idioms
- for the names of Canadian coins, check here and here
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