Heat idioms part 1

Step 1

Study the idioms. Are you familiar with any of the idioms? Use an online dictionary to look them up. Feel free to ask questions on the discussion forum below.

Step 2

Read the dialogue to understand the correct usage of the idioms.

LenHey, do you know if Alicia got the job?
ErumI don’t know, but I think it’s a dead heat between her and Alex.
LenI think Alicia may get it. It’s amazing how much work she’s done around here lately.
ErumI know. I think something has really lit a fire under her!
LenNot to mention that Alex was really in hot water after those 3 unexplained absences from work.
ErumI’m not sure, but I think he was feeling a little stressed out because of all the changes taking place around the office.
LenI know, but as the saying goes – If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen!
ErumThat wasn’t very nice!
LenI know, I just mean that the new position will present its own stress. He’ll have to get used to it if he gets the job!
ErumGood point, Len.
LenWe’ll just have to wait and see what happens.
ErumThat’s all we can do.

Step 3

Listen to the dialogue for correct pronunciation and usage of the above idioms.



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